I am a project manager with a background in plant biotechnology and science journalism. I supported research projects on nature-based solutions (NBS), sustainable food chains in Africa, food packaging and industrial symbiosis. I worked as fixer and freelance journalist for Wired, Motherboard, Galileo and Maker Faire Rome.
My current position:
ART-ER | I am communication manager for ER2Digit, European Digital Innovation Hub of the Emilia-Romagna region. I also contribute to the ERA_FABRIC project on a new concept of European Research Area.
I worked for:
University of Bologna | I was project manager for H2020 funded projects NEMUS, RESOLUTION, FOODLAND, OPERANDUM and PROPAG-AGEING. I also took care of ERDF funded research projects in sustainable food packaging and industrial symbiosis. I implemented dissemination plans and communication strategies, proof read communication materials, updated project websites, edited press releases and social media content, interacted with service providers, managed technology transfer and networking events.
Focus on ERDF projects
EcoPackLab – Advanced technologies for active and eco-friendly packaging | Food Crossing District – Industrial symbiosis: new, shareable foods and products and a circular economies’ map in Emilia-Romagna | MicroEmiRo – Regional microbial collections: exploitation of biodiversity to improve the agri-food industry | Sinergie – Integrated solutions for next-generation automated machines | Termoref – Residues valorisation for fuel vector, chemical production and nutrients recycle in a circular biorefinery | Time – Integrated technology for electric mobility
University of Modena and Reggio Emilia | I was project manager for the Department of Life Sciences and the Interdepartmental Centre for Technology Transfer at the University. I took care of partner search, research proposals drafts and networking events. I was also responsible for co-design of research projects eligible for Horizon 2020 funding schemes, business plans for European projects and agreements with SMEs and research centres.
Freelance Writer | I worked as freelance contributor at Wired Italia. My focus ranged from science to technology, data journalism, and in-depth analysis. Some examples include technical details on Costa Concordia’s shipwreck, MPS’ David Rossi’s suicide allegedly linked to critics on social media, faster-than-light Neutrino leaks and profiling of Nobel laureates. I also travelled abroad for reporting (European Inventor Award in Amsterdam and Huawei Europe Media Days in Stockholm).
VICE Italia | I worked as editor and contributor at Motherboard Italia online magazine. I was responsible for story pitching to main sponsors and media partners (ENEL, Fastweb, SKY) and coordination with Motherboard international staff (US, DE, UK, NL) to translate and publish daily news content. I also wrote many featured articles about opposition to GMOs in Italy, ground-breaking research on anti-matter (ASACUSA experiment), emerging issues related to internet security (Edward Snowden’s cryptography), social media and entertainment. Together with a intern I worked with VICE’s newsroom in Milan to popularize scientific topics and reach a broad and young audience.
Asset Camera | I was communication officer at the international Maker Faire Rome (2013 and 2014 edition). I managed MFR website, writing and editing posts and contents in Italian and English. I had complete access to the event’s 600+ makers database, thus allowing me to turn raw information in shareable content over social media and blog platforms. I was a bridge between Press Office, Tech Department and Administration to mine information and engage a wider audience.
RnD Lab | I was appointed as editor at CheFuturo!, the innovation blog directed by journalist Riccardo Luna. I managed 50+ authors, covering different topics (start-ups, social media, science, politics and environment). My daily effort spread from blog CMS management, to articles proof reading, comments moderation, social media and speakers management during sponsored side-events. I shared my desk in CheFuturo! newsroom with RnD Lab staff and participated in website design team’s work sessions.
Galileo Servizi Editoriali | I was science journalist at Galileo, an online magazine covering science and technology issues. I wrote articles on topics ranging from Turin-Lyon high speed rail road (TAV) controversy, F-35 euro fighter in-depth analysis and Fukushima Daiichi crisis. I also teamed up with Galileo staff and contributed as copy writer for sponsored editorial content (a guide for journalists covering meningitis outbreaks) and live streaming from Festival della Scienza in Genova.